Jen + Blaine + Samantha + Gracie
Sometimes you’re thrown a sudden curve ball and then magically the stars all align in the exact right way.
This session was originally supposed to be at Fort Snelling State Park, but had to be moved at the last minute to Bush Lake in Bloomington because Fort Snelling was still flooded. This kind of swap can add some chaos right before a photo session, which isn’t ideal of course, but as you can see from the photos below, Thea and this crew made the sweetest lemonade out of what turned out not to be lemons at all.
I can’t get over this incredible, perfect golden light that just embodies everything there is to love about a hot, sunny, summer afternoon in Minnesota. This family is so sweet and so much fun with a large dash of sass + rebellion as you can see from the photo of brave little Samantha jumping off the lifeguard tower. That’s my kind of girl, without a doubt.
The world is crazy right now, but if these two kiddos represent our future in any way I think we’re going to be just fine. 💛