2017 Fall Sessions!

My fall schedule is already getting crazy, so I wanted to set aside a handful of days for fall family sessions so everyone has the best chance of getting a spot this year for portrait sessions.

The first 6 dates are for regular 30 minute sessions, either at your home or at my studio. (If you live outside of the MSP metro and want the session done at your home, just email me first at sara@saramontour.com so I can make sure there's enough travel time in the schedule)

The last 3 dates, 11/18, 11/19 + 12/3, are going to be 10 in 10 sessions in the studio in front of the brand new winter-inspired wall drawn by Lisa Troutman of Drawn Well, who drew the amazing Wall of Love.

To book your session, scroll down and pick the date + time that works best for your family!

For more information about my sessions details + pricing, head over here or shoot me an email at sara@saramontour.com


What are 10 in 10 Sessions?

A few years ago I started a personal project called 10 in 10 where I photographed one person for only 10 minutes and created 10 final photographs from that session. I completely fell in love with these little shoots and the perfect photos that could come out of such a limited time and have now spun that concept into an ongoing, fun series of events that anyone can sign up for. 

Sessions are a 10 quick minutes, which is exactly enough time to get great photos without getting burnt out, or having your kiddo melt down, by having to smile for the camera for any longer. If you'd like more time, though, feel free to book two back-to-back sessions and you'll get 30 minutes instead of just 10.

2-3 weeks after your session I'll upload 10+ proofs into an online gallery for you, where you'll be able to choose which prints + products + digital files you'd like to order, and you'll also get a 30% discount for the first two weeks that your gallery is active.

(For the Winter Wall Sessions I'm going to edit as fast as superhumanly possible to get your proofs uploaded as soon as I can.)

To view some past 10 in 10 sessions head on over to the blog.

What should we wear?

Whatever you all feel great in. The only hard and fast rule is to avoid giant text or logos, but feel free to go crazy with colors if you'd like and let everyone's individual personalities show. 

Do I get to keep the proofs that are in my gallery?

Nope. Those are just proofs so you can choose exactly which ones you would like to order and save forever. You do have the option of purchasing digital files, however, if you'd like to have the digital negatives. You can see a full list of pricing + products over on the info page, here.

Do the 30 minute sessions have to be in your studio or in my backyard?

Yes and no. At this time of year it tends to work the best in case the weather is crazy and we have to jump inside to warm up for a little bit. If your family is cold hardy and wants to venture outdoors to a local park, though, I'm all for it. 

*October 7th dates are in-studio only. 

What if the weather is insane for the 30-minute session?

This is the gamble we're taking by scheduling a session this late in the year, but we're Minnesotans, right? We wear this weather like a badge of honor, so let's prove it. We'll try to work with whatever weather we have, even if that means suiting up in hats and mittens (which are adorable in photos!), or sticking inside by a big ol' window.

What if I have to reschedule?

Your session fee reserves your specific date and time, so it is nonrefundable, however, if we have to reschedule for any reason at all your session fee is 100% transferrable to another date. 

What if none of these dates work for me, or I want a 2-hour or 4-hour session instead of 30 minutes?

My fall schedule fills up insanely fast, but shoot me an email at sara@saramontour.com and we'll try to make something work!

What if my kids are crazy?

Your kids will be crazy. Or quiet. Or loud. Or shy. Kids are kids and inevitably they will surprise you and be the exact opposite of how they normally are, or do something hilarious that you didn't expect. Regardless, I have 8 brothers and sisters and was a nanny for 10 years. I've seen kids do everything in the book, so this photo shoot is your chance to let go of the stress of keeping them under control, let them go bonkers, and let me take over. If I need your help I'll let you know, but otherwise we'll let them run the show and I'll guide them.

I'll also probably tell your kids to do something that seems weird or crazy. You'll probably think that I am also weird or crazy and that there's no way what I'm asking could lead to a good photo, but I promise that the things that I ask are intentional and that the photos generally turn out best if you're able to breathe, have fun, and not worry about what they're doing/looking like. This is the time that you just get to play with your awesome kiddos and let me do the rest.

A lot of times I'll ask them to do something super over the top. There are a couple reasons for this: it expends some of their energy, it also lets them have a little more fun so they last longer and don't get bored with the photo shoot, and it also generally makes them (and everyone else) have really natural smiles right after they do whatever I ask of them, which leads to beautiful natural-looking photos. Instead of trying to reign in their craziness and calm them down, it works really well if we all just let those moments play out naturally and have fun with it.

I also wrote a little blog post about this here.

If you're worried about this in any way, please shoot me an email and we can talk through it. I want this whole experience to be as enjoyable as possible and if I can peel away the overwhelming aspects before our session I would love to help do that.